Page 29 - SKS_Journal_SumFall2012

Herb Gelhardt ‘48
Where I’m from
Born in Brooklyn, New York, and raised in Manhattan and Long Island.
Why I came to SKS
I had been in a military school in Gainsville, Georgia from age eight
until I was 13. Then I attended a public school in New York and
found that I was not able to cope with the class sizes and the way
the classes were taught. My father then checked with an adviser in
New York City about private schools, and he recommended SKS.
My best memories of SKS
All the years of friendships, the small classes, the great teachers, the
wonderful campus, athletics every day, walks in Black Rock Forest,
school dances, and the ability to grow up and learn.
My first impression of SKS
The beauty of the area and how nice and small the classes were.
My biggest accomplishment (outside of SKS)
The ability to go through several different “beginnings” and
accomplishments” such as finishing university, flight school,
law school, engineering school. All after it seemed in the early
days that I might not even finish SKS.
I am most proud of…
My father who never gave up on me, and my developing
knowledge of business that let me enjoy 55 years in the same field.
The best advice ever received
Stay in school — this was given to me when I was eager to leave
school and start working.
The best advice I can give
Take the opportunities that arrive, be positive and persevere no matter
what. Tenacity is the key! Do not be afraid to take risks if they seem to
open the door for the future.
The hardest thing I ever had to do
Learn how to prepare to take tests. Life is full of them, few realize that
they are all there for a reason…survival!
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herb was the 2012 Commencement speaker.